In partnership with our customer, D. W. Windsor, we have worked to supply some of the most eye-catching feature columns on the Skegness, Tower Esplanade. These stunning, curved columns form the main focal point of the Esplanade. They are intrinsically decorative, utilising a unique triangular profile which tapers along the full length of the radius,
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Bournemouth Lighting Columns
When looking to expand on an existing park lighting scheme in Bournemouth, it was believed that it would be impossible to copy the century-old, ornate cast iron columns. The client said the original moulds no longer existed or were lost. However, due to the depth of experience and our adaptable manufacturing facilities at Fabrikat, we
Warner Brother’s Indoor Theme Park – Yas Island, United Arab Emirates
Warner Brothers opened their first indoor theme park in the United Arab Emirates on 25th July 2018. World of EFS, the lighting design team for the project, asked us to produce from concept drawing through to manufacturing the finished product, lighting columns for The Warner Bros. Plaza area of the park. These columns would need
Trinity Lane, Waltham Cross Foot Bridge
With 700 pedestrians crossing every day and trains travelling at 85mph in this section of track, the need for a new footbridge was of the utmost importance, at Trinity Lane. Previously, this had been an unmanned crossing. Having had numerous near misses in the past, we aided in the creation of a new, safer way
Modular, Quick-Install Wind Turbine Mast
We were asked by Crossflow to structurally check and give design assistance on an existing concept prototype design for a quick-install, modular wind turbine mast. Crossflow Energy empowers global communities by providing sustainable, clean energy. We were thrilled to be given the opportunity to work with Crossflow in order to bring wind turbine technology to